W06: However, not all children need physical punishment.
So at least as recent as 2006 Watchtower taught that at least some children do need physical punishment.
can a parent slap or use a "rod of discipline" on their kids?
i know it's politically incorrect and perhaps illegal, but is it a personal decision based upon the scriptures or is it taboo these days?.
W06: However, not all children need physical punishment.
So at least as recent as 2006 Watchtower taught that at least some children do need physical punishment.
if you, knowing ttatt, could go back in time and speak to your former jw self, what would you say to wake yourself up from the wt religion?.
i would speak to my unbaptised publisher self.
at that stage, i believed.
Learn about logical falllacies.
Research the age of mankind.
Look up all sources in the evolution/creation blue bullshit book.
Get the F away from these ignorant, lying bastards.
i would appreciate knowing from someone in the know if the goofy carts and rain covers are given to the congregation by the org.
or if the congregation has to pay the org for them.
i am sure i read that somewhere here in my lurking days, but am not finding it at present.. if the congregation is billed for it i intend to use that as a reason for my continued refusal to donate anything from now on.. thanks in advance..
Same here.
so i finally am on windows 10. my computer kept asking me and i kept refusing, but then it went to a countdown and before i had a chance to stop it, it was updating, and i couldn't use my laptop for the full 1000 year reign of jesus christ.. when i finally could use it, i had a problem opening chrome with all my favourite apps or pages stored.
sometimes i have to open edge for for chrome to open.
but i have had a little go a edge.. edge has a different search engine to google, anyone know what it is?
Zombie dub,
You're a mentally diseased apostate! I can't hear you! :-D
Or...I stand corrected. Microsoft is still evil though:-p
so i finally am on windows 10. my computer kept asking me and i kept refusing, but then it went to a countdown and before i had a chance to stop it, it was updating, and i couldn't use my laptop for the full 1000 year reign of jesus christ.. when i finally could use it, i had a problem opening chrome with all my favourite apps or pages stored.
sometimes i have to open edge for for chrome to open.
but i have had a little go a edge.. edge has a different search engine to google, anyone know what it is?
I am a religious worshipper of all things Google, so Chrome it is.
Everything Microsoft is evil, especially their browsers that does not adhere to the HTML language standard that Microsoft helped create. Apparently they are important enough to break their own rules. Result: websites are designed incorrectly to work with Internet Explorer and Edge, and look broken in everything else....while all those other browse actually do work properly. /rant
Anyway, being an Chrome user I tried Edge a bit...works okay I guess, better than IE...but it's a conscience thing for me so I'm on Chrome.
Btw you can change the search engine in Edge: http://www.howtogeek.com/221709/how-to-change-your-default-search-engine-in-microsoft-edge/
disclaimer: my graduate degree is in business, not science so i'm writing as a layman in this field.
yes, i know that someone is going to say that evolution does not encompass this topic and should be sectioned off under abiogenesis.
i'm not trying to argue semantics here but it seems like a case of avoiding an uncomfortable subject.
Crazyguy, by your logic:
Humans can't create supernatural Gods either*...so they must have been created.
See where this is going? Exactly, nowhere. The argument is quite flawed.
*) Imagining things and writing books about it isn't the same as actually creating.
your qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
The dark ages were called dark for a reason....
...and I always thought they were called 'dark' for their lack of reason...
jw don't believe in evolution .
how come animals teeth are designed to chew meat?
sharks for instance have razor sharp pointy teeth these are not to eat vegetation .
For those who think adaptation to environment does exist but can never lead to new species:
Look up what ring species are.
this is begging for some nigerian scam jokes, i'm just not clever enough to think of them 😜.
Well, unfortunately it's not a joke but reality:
I need your help urgently! My name is Omawoko Kakabongo Yeshua ben Yousef from Nigeria Nazareth.
I am the crown prince of the kingdom of Popoloko heaven, but right now I live in exile on earth. There is a huge amount of money immortality set apart for me, but right now I can't get to it.
Soon my royal power will be restored, but I nees your help to do that.
Please, I need your help and will give you a big reward. You will receive 10% of my inheritance eternal life if I can just use your bank account to transfer the money time and energy to make more converts.
Think about all the things you can do with those monies that eternal life you'll receive!
Please send $500 so I know you are serious about this, then I can start processing the funds your eternal life.
Yours truly,
Crown prince Omawoko Kakabongo Yeshua ben Yousef from Nigeria Nazareth
so, i am trying to get my head around what the right position of elders should be when they come across crime is.. i think i get the issuess around clergy confidentiality - and how that might potentially be breached when they talk about it to other elders, let alone the police.. but if people are saying that elders - or clergy of another faith should report crime to the police when it is confessed to the, then where are the boundaries.. so if someone says they should report to police on a confessed example of child abuse, that's one thing.. how about reporting to police consensual sex between a 19year old and 15 year old - which is statutory rape in the uk.
how about criminal fraud if they come across it.
assault on a congregant?.
so the elders should report every accusation (not proven claim) of petty theft, or assault?
You're creating a straw man here.
Anyway my personal opinion is that confessional confidentiality in regular churches is hardly justified. I don't realy care about perps of whatever kind who need to confess to stop feeling guilty. They could just go to the police and deal with whatever they did wrong, cleansing their conscience in the process. So clergy should report confessed crimes to the police imho, but it should be mandatory to report child abuse at least.
As for Jehovah's Witnesses: they don't do confessions. They have no confidentiality. So they should at least report child abuse, especially when the law says they should.
Imho elders and clergy have the same rights and responsibilities as any other citizen. Besides, protecting victims and not perpetrators is the right thing to do.